Presbyterian Church (USA.)

We are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA.) Our community is part of a larger regional church body and national governing body. The denomination works similarly to the US Government, and was founded near the same time. This means every member has a voice in church matters.

Beliefs of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

In the Foundations section of the Presbyterian Book of Order we profess this understanding about the mission of the church: "The mission of God in Christ gives shape and substance to the life and work of the Church. In Christ, the Church participates in God's mission for the transformation of creation and humanity by proclaiming to all people the good news of God's love, offering to all people the grace of God at font and table, and calling all people to discipleship in Christ. Human beings have no higher goal in life than to glorify and enjoy God now and forever, living in covenant fellowship with God and participating in God's mission". We believe that the church has a particular calling as the Body of Christ:
  • The Church is to be a faith community, entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life.
  •  The Church is to be a community of hope, rejoicing in the sure and certain knowledge that, in Christ, God is making a new creation. This new creation is a new beginning for human life and for all things. The Church lives in the present on the strength of that promised new creation.
  •  The Church is to be a community of love, where sin is forgiven, reconciliation is accomplished, and the dividing walls of hostility are torn down.
  • The Church is to be a community of witness, pointing beyond itself through word and work to the good news of God's transforming grace in Christ Jesus its Lord.

We believe that there are six great ends of the church:
  • the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind;
  • the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God;
  • the maintenance of divine worship;
  • the preservation of the truth;
  •  the promotion of social righteousness; and
  • the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
Complete copies of the Book of Order can be downloaded from the PC(USA) store.